
How To Install Npm Command

How to Install Node.js and npm on Windows

Installing Node.js and npm on Windows is very straightforward.

First, download the Windows installer from the Node.js website. You will accept the choice between the LTS (Long Term Support) or Electric current version.

  • The Current version receives the latest features and updates more apace
  • The LTS version foregos feature changes to improve stability, but receives patches such every bit bug fixes and security updates

Once you take selected a version meets your needs, run the installer. Follow the prompts to select an install path and ensure the npm bundle manager feature is included along with the Node.js runtime . This should be the default configuration.

Restart your figurer after the installation is complete.

If you installed under the default configuration, Node.js should now exist added to your PATH. Run command prompt or powershell and input the following to test it out:

                > node -five              

The console should respond with a version string. Repeat the process for npm:

                > npm -five              

If both commands piece of work, your installation was a success, and you can outset using Node.js!

More than info on Node.js

According to its GitHub repository, Node.js is:

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environs. It executes JavaScript lawmaking outside of a browser. For more information on using Node.js, run into the Node.js Website.

A breakdown of Node.js facts:

  • Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome'southward V8 JavaScript engine.
    Every browser has a JavaSript engine built in it to process JavaScript files contained in websites. Google Chrome uses the V8 engine, which is built using C++. Node.js besides uses this super-fast engine to interpret JavaScript files.
  • Node.js uses an outcome-driven model.
    This means that Node.js waits for certain events to accept place. Information technology so acts on those events. Events tin can be anything from a click to a HTTP request. We can likewise declare our ain custom events and make Node.js listen for those events.
  • Node.js uses a non-blocking I/O model.
    We know that I/O tasks take much longer than processing tasks. Node.js uses callback functions to handle such requests.

Let u.s. presume that a particular I/O task takes 5 seconds to execute, and that we want to perform this I/O twice in our code.


                import fourth dimension  def my_io_task():   time.sleep(v)   print("washed")  my_io_task() my_io_task()              


                function my_io_task() {     setTimeout(function() {       console.log('washed');     }, 5000); }  my_io_task(); my_io_task();              

Both await similar, but the time taken to execute are unlike. The Python lawmaking takes 10 seconds to execute while the Node.js code takes only 5 seconds.

Node.js takes less time considering of its non-blocking I/O model. The start phone call to my_io_task() starts the timer and leaves information technology there. Information technology does not expect for the response from the function. Instead, it moves on to phone call the 2d my_io_task(), starts the timer and leaves it in that location.

When the timer completes it's execution taking 5 seconds, it calls the function and prints washed on the panel. Since both the timers are started together, they complete together and therefore take same corporeality of time. is a Node.js library made to assistance make existent-fourth dimension advice betwixt computers possible. To ensure this uses WebSockets to establish a connection between the client'south browser and the server. This library uses Engine.IO for building the connection.


To become a taste of what is possible, provides two demos to show information technology'south possible use-cases. You tin can find the demos at and notice the link to the whiteboard demo on the left.

Get Started

Since is a Node.js library you have to brand certain that Node.js is installed. If it's non fix up yet go the latest version at


Node.js tin also exist installed via Homebrew a package managing director for macOS.

Only type mash install node to install Node.js.

A get started guide can also be found on's page. It shows how to easily build a real-fourth dimension conversation in just a couple of lines.

More information

More than information about and it's documentation tin be found at:

  • Documentation

More than information on Node.js

  • Official Node.js site
  • Node Version Manager
  • n: Interactive Node.js Version Director
  • Node.js docs

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