
How to Install Linux on Chromebook (Guide)

Chromebooks are meant to be like shooting fish in a barrel to use, and that is exactly where Chrome OS shines. Notwithstanding, Chrome Os isn't every bit functional as compared to other operating systems like Linux. And then, if you are someone who loves to tinker, yous might have wondered if you could install another operating system, such every bit Ubuntu, on your Chromebook. So, here is how to install Linux on a Chromebook:

Install Ubuntu on Chromebook with Crouton

In guild to install Ubuntu on a Chromebook, you volition first have to download Crouton. Crouton – an acronym for "Chromium OS Universal Chroot Surroundings" –is a package of scripts that permit the easy installation of Linux systems such as Ubuntu, and Debian. We will employ Crouton to install Ubuntu on our Chromebook. Merely follow the steps below:

one. First, you will accept to enable Developer Mode in Chrome Bone. You can bank check out our detailed article on the same.

ii. Once you have enabled Developer Style on your Chromebook, download Crouton onto your Chromebook. It will be saved in the "Downloads" directory.

three. On your Chromebook, press "Ctrl + Alt + T" to launch the Crosh Terminal. Here, type "beat out", and hit Enter.

crosh shell

4. You volition now get access to a command line, and with the assistance of this command line, we'll install Ubuntu on our Chromebook. In the Concluding, blazon "sudo sh ~/Downloads/crouton -east -t lxde".

install lxde with crouton

Note :Unfortunately, every bit of this writing, Ubuntu'due south XFCE, and Unity Desktop Environments aren't working properly on Chromebooks, which is why I would suggest that you use LXDE for the time being.

5. One time that is done, you volition have to look, while Crouton downloads Ubuntu for y'all, and installs it on your Chromebook. This pace commonly takes quite some fourth dimension, and so be patient.

installing Ubuntu Chromebook

half-dozen. When the installation is finished, simply blazon "sudo startlxde" to start the Linux desktop. You volition be asked for the encryption passphrase you created while installing Ubuntu, merely primal it in, and y'all're ready to go.


Switch Back to Chrome Os from Linux

If you desire to go dorsum to Chrome Bone from Ubuntu, you tin just log out of Ubuntu in the normal manner, and you'll immediately be taken dorsum to Chrome Bone.

You can restart Linux, by opening a terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T), and typing "sudo startlxde".

You should be able to switch between Linux, and Chrome OS, on the fly, by using Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Frontwards, and Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Back (on ARM Chromebooks), and Ctrl + Alt + Forward, and Ctrl + Alt + Back, followed by Ctrl + Alt + Refresh (on Intel Chromebooks), but unfortunately, that didn't work for me on LXDE on my Asus Chromebook Flip.

Linux on a Chromebook: The Experience

Ubuntu works very well on a Chromebook. Still, since the XFCE, and Unity Desktop Environments aren't working, as even so, y'all're stuck with using LXDE – a Desktop Environs not many people like. The only problem I noticed with LXDE, is the fact that if yous ain a affect enabled Chromebook, like the Asus Chromebook Flip, the touch doesn't work very predictably in LXDE, and the UI is a tad too small. However, at least the latter can exist fixed past adjusting the screen resolution for Linux.

Linux LXDE Chromebook

Overall, though, the experience is very polish, and everything works every bit one would expect. So, if you're wondering if it's worth the try, information technology kind of is.

SEE ALSO: How to Get Play Store On Chromebook Via Developer Channel

Install Linux on Chromebook to Unlock Its Potential

You can use this method to easily install Linux/Ubuntu on a Chromebook, and unlock its true power. When y'all're running Linux on a Chromebook, you can install Linux apps in the same manner every bit you would install them on a normal Linux calculator, by using apt-become. Still, if you're using an ARM Chromebook, some apps might not work properly for yous. Chances of apps working are much meliorate on an Chromebook with an Intel processor.

As always, we'd like to know your thoughts on installing Linux on Chromebook, and your experience with using Linux on a Chromebook. Besides, if you know of another (preferably easier) method to install Linux on Chromebooks, do permit us know in the comments department below.


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