
How To Do A Fresh Windows 7 Install

Suppose you feel that a consistent lag bogs downwardly your Windows 7 PC's performance. It might be time to reinstall the OS. From registry issues to malware to being overstuffed with large amounts of unnecessary software, a fresh Os installation tin can clear upward several common problems. If your PC came with a restore disk from the factory, information technology likely features several different re-install options aimed to become your machine up and running.

Experience complimentary to check out our guide on how to speed up Windows too. Additionally, if y'all encounter whatsoever issues while using Windows 7, we explicate how to fix familiar Windows 7 bug.

Unfortunately, Microsoft no longer offers official support for Windows seven since January 14th, 2022, which leaves users with few options if their PCs go belly-up. As such, Digital Trends does not recommend that our readers apply Windows 7 on their devices. If yous decide to disregard this communication, please note that nosotros cannot be held responsible for whatsoever errors or problems that may occur. We highly recommend that yous upgrade to Windows ten immediately.

Have your Windows 7 CD/Serial primal prepare

One time you lot're washed installing Windows 7, the OS will ask y'all to put in its CD/Serial key. This key allows Microsoft to check whether you have a legitimate, legal copy of Windows seven, although updates are no longer available. Avoiding constant popular-ups from Windows asking yous to validate the install with the key is too a overnice bonus.

Brand sure to have this on hand – If your PC'south restore or Windows 7 disk came in a paper or plastic sleeve, the fundamental would likely be on that. Given that Windows 7 is no longer being supported, this cardinal is the merely way to get a legitimate copy of Windows 7 from Microsoft.

How to back up your data

Regardless of which blazon of Windows installation y'all cull, it'southward e'er a dandy idea to dorsum up your data before beginning the process. Check out our guide on how to dorsum up your PC if you prefer step-by-step guidance or our top picks of the all-time free backup software if you lot're looking for several quality options on with which to brand a backup copy of your information. Having an extra copy of your information for safekeeping is never a bad thought should something go incorrect during the installation process.

How to prepare upward your installation media

If you have a re-create of the disc that originally came with your computer or some other copy of Windows on a CD or DVD, skip to the next page to acquire near installation types. If not, you'll need to commencement create a Windows vii reinstall disc either by loading the image onto a USB drive or by called-for information technology to a DVD, which we outline beneath.

How to obtain a copy of Windows 7

If you don't have a Windows installation disc already, you tin download a new re-create of Microsoft's operating system. Keep in heed that yous'll yet need a legitimate, matching serial cardinal to activate Windows 7.

One time you download the appropriate Windows 7, head to this Windows 7 USB/DVD download tool page and click the download link located below the folio'southward Installation department. Then, install the tool and follow the onscreen instructions. With the tool running, you'll demand to select the Windows 7 ISO you downloaded, so tell the Windows seven USB/DVD download tool whether you want to burn that file to a USB wink drive or a DVD.Reinstall Step 1: Choosing ISO File

How to select an installation type

Make sure your new Windows installation disc or USB drive is inserted into your PC, and then restart your arrangement. While your PC is booting, you'll get a prompt to hit whatever key to boot from the disk or flash drive. Practise so. Once y'all're in the Windows 7 setup program, click Install. You lot'll encounter one of ii install options — Upgrade and Custom (Advanced).

Selecting type of Windows 7 install

If you select Upgrade, Windows should leave your files and programs intact while replacing the main organization files and irresolute some settings. Opting for Upgrade essentially keeps you lot from having to reinstall all of your applications and restore your information from a backup, but it doesn't give your PC the full bound cleaning handling. However, if you select Custom, your files and programs won't exist saved.

Disk partition destinations for Windows 7

Although at that place may only exist i installation option available for you to choose from depending on the configuration of your organization, you'll likely have a pocket-size partition labeled System Reserved in place if yous're using Windows Vista or an before version of Windows. Start by selecting which drive or partition you lot desire to use for your new Bone installation. It would help if you refrained from reformatting or installing Windows on the Arrangement Reserved division, though information technology will likely be way too small to accommodate a full OS install anyway. Doing this volition minimize the chances of you experiencing whatsoever related complications. Since reinstalling Windows seven is already a dull process, yous won't want to bargain with whatsoever other issues.

Expanding Windows Files

Keep clicking through the install program until the process begins. Copying Windows files and expanding setup files may take a while, so feel gratis to leave your PC alone for about 15-xx minutes. Your computer will probable restart at least in one case during the process, merely it should immediately boot back into the installation program and pick up correct where it left off.

Completing Windows 7 Installation

Keep navigating through the installation program until the actual process starts. The copying and setup procedure may take a while, so experience free to leave your PC to take care of things for a few minutes — 15-20 should be enough to get things started. Your PC may restart ane or more times during this process, merely information technology should always boot right back into the installation process if it does.

The installer will prompt you lot to provide data nearly the final stages of the process. The information you requite will directly influence all future Windows vii usage, and then don't ignore directions or provide half-hearted responses to whatsoever questions it asks.

The questions will include your user preferences and info like your time zone, which can help to customize your Windows 7 experience. Run Windows Update to make sure everything is current when y'all've got the organization up and running.

Reinstalling Windows 7 on your figurer can exist a irksome process, but it'south worthwhile. An Bone with the latest updates and installments will keep your machine running equally fast and efficiently equally a brand new PC.

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